AML KYC solutions

We have automated online AML-KYC Software Solutions for comprehensive and intelligent identity verification, customizable to fit your company’s needs.

Customer identities can be verified quickly and efficiently with our Swiss KYC solution.

Full Identity Verification Features:

AML / OFAC / PEP / Sanction screening

  • Data ranging from Europol, Interpol to Dynamic International Business Association debtor and late payers list.
  • Daily updates

Advanced Document Analysis

  • Document pattern analysis
  • Examination and verification of sensitive document information
  • Verification of text font sizes and angles, special symbols, holograms and pictures, comparing it against official databases

MRZ Code Analysis

  • Decryption
  • Analysis and verification
  • Extracted information matching against the passport

Country of Origin Database screening

  • Police records
  • Administrative misdemeanours
  • Lawsuits

Biometric Data Scan

  • Analysis of distinct facial information from 50 random snapshots taken from recorded video and information matching against photo in the document and then matched against the picture in the document


Contact us for more information.